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We are transmitting!

Blogs are a great invention, and man we are happy to finally have one.  Not only is this going to be a great window in to all that is iAnimate, we can also help spread all kinds of animation related news from around this creative globe of ours.  We can broadcast additions to our family of iAnimate instructors, show off our new rigs the moment they are released (usually a bit before!), and give you glimpses of what some of our most talented members and alumni are creating.

And most of all, we can keep in contact with all of our present, past and future members in a way that helps us all remember how much all love the same thing -- animating!

Speaking of new things: how ‘bout that new public site! Huge props to Larry Vasquez for the incredible fortitude (and many sleepless nights) in building this new vessel.  We all feel it tells our story so much better than we’ve ever been able to tell it before, and it so clearly conveys what our animation workshops are all about.  We hope you’ll enjoy it as much as we do. So, browse to the fullest and discover the ins and out of all the workshop we offer, in Feature Animation, Games and Rigging.  Get in there and check out our great rigs, watch our various video features, and enjoy our amazing member showcase.  All of it will make you proud to be a member, or be aching to join, this we promise you.

Over the next few days we’ll be filling you in on some of the great new things coming to iAnimate in the next block (starting Sep 2012).  We’ll be giving you instructor showreels to check out, some incredible new rigs we’re adding, and some cool bonus features of the Gaming/Rigging side of things.

So boldly bookmark, recklessly RSS, and get ready to join in on some great discussions, because we are coming out there fully loaded, fellow animators!

(ps. Be sure to sign up for the new iAnimate newsletter, as well as follow us on Facebook and Twitter to stay totally connected.)

Not Grades but Skills

You can now apply for our upcoming workshops to help you get a head start on your career.

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